30 Jan 2016

But single is the new black honey!

Hello there!

Au topic du jour is relationship talk. Yes, I dared to venture into those territories fashion bloggers do not really speak about. Somehow, I am a self proclaimed lifestyle blogger too. Well, it's not me; it's the itch  to divert from the main 'thing' that I am doing and explore unfamiliar spheres, while busy with the main 'thing'. Anywho, I want to give my two cents about the 'single' status. 

Most times than not, after the 24 years old threshold,  your Facebook and IG timelines are probably flooded with wedding, engagement and baby pictures . While you might be enjoying yourself witnessing these great things happening in other people's lives; everybody is looking at you whispering that you are next . Like most (close to) mid-twenties humans, you might be subjected to what feels like an interrogation, from your relatives, co-workers and sometimes the church about the existence of a significant other . That time, your wisdom tooth might not have grown out fully or all that is occupying your thoughts is that great nap you will be taking as soon as 'adulting' is over for the day. Furthermore, being in a relationship has skipped you as a priority; you do not see it as a matter of utmost urgency. 

Today’s society seems to look at us single people as lacking, crippled or incomplete beings. In some ways it seems like one has to do some explaining or be apologetic for being single and satisfied. As if the sole purpose of one’s existence is to seek and maintain a relationship. Low and behold if you are not boo-ed up, you must be lost in the sauces. The concept of being single and satisfied does not only sound completely foreign to many,it also sounds almost impossible and unnatural.  

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I am against romantic relationships, marriage, being in love or love as such. Not at all, those things are nice to experience when they are pure and true. It’s beautiful to have someone to love aside of yourself and build a great foundation with them. 
However, how come I am not asked about my dreams, what I want to achieve, where  I see my career going; why is my relationship status the first thing to inquire about? Girls have dreams and goals too, and as much as I want it all, there is a time for everything, now is not the time and I refuse to be apologetic about it. My point is that one should not be frowned upon because having bae is the least of their priorities. So today I want to share three things I believe need to be given more attention, worked on and nurtured before one can bring other people’s children in their storms and confusion. Perhaps, these are also valid points to use as clap backs when cornered....I joke, I joke. 

1. The self
The soul and the self are constantly on a journey. I believe the twenties are the years that make or break you. The good or bad habits formed during those years are most likely to be carried through the rest of your life, as one settles in their identity and develop an ethos. It is a period when a person learns the most, tries, succeed and fails at different things. 
What a time to be alive and 'woke', to read books, travel, learn a new course, a new language, volunteer somewhere, learn a few trap music lyrics to feel yourself  on slow days and chant to a little Erykah Badu and Lauryn Hill to enlighten your path. The biggest priority , here, becomes building a strong foundation for the self, first and foremost.

It is also the time to get to know the self, what tickles your fancy, what doesn’t, what personal boundaries you need to impose to protect your sanity and conserve your precious energy and time. It’s the time to enjoy your own company, explore the hidden parts within the self. It is important to understand yourself in order to embrace the whole of you and be the most authentic. You cannot be what you don’t know. 

The Mid-twenties are also the time to fall in love with yourself before anyone else loves you (how cliche and true that is). Yes, it’s the time to take yourself a lil bit more serious, before you become everyone’s joke. To check the type of energy you surround yourself with, whether it adds to your growth and peace or simply deter you. It’s the time to cherish the self, make peace with your past, be selfish with your time, and establish what you want from life. Even if you are not aware of your worth, the fact that you are breathing is all that you need, you have a well of potential, recognise it and guard it. Do not entertain the foolishness, because what you retain remains, be careful about what you settle for. Be kind to the self, be your own dream and best-friend, ride solo for a minute.

2. The Hustle
The hustle is what will get you that coint hunty, you better be aware of that and go get what's yours! It’s the 21st century, as much as your life partner may be expected to bring the beacon home; you have to also bring the pancakes. The women before us fought for us to have access to education, in order to be financially independent. This financial independence does not fall from heaven like the manna. It requires one to have a clear vision of where they want their career to be in the years ahead. 

Nowadays, it is no longer enough to have a nine to five job, one has to also have a side hustle in order to live comfortably or simply because the future of the economy is  self-employment. Therefore,  it’s important to figure out ways to unleash that beast, use all your potential and  make it financially rewarding for you. 

Like my grandma taught my mother and I, “umuntu arigira yakwibura agapfa”, which translates into if you can’t rely/provide for yourself, you lose yourself; if you lose yourself, you die. Yes that's a little extreme, but what a wake up call?! 

Lastly, It’s never too early to save or invest, so work on achieving your dreams and equipping yourself with the required resources. This time of singleness is the only time where you will not have to think about anyone else but yourself, before you take that job miles away, decide to venture into business or just splurge; such will change few years down the line with a couple kids and a spouse, 

3. The Health
You attract what you are. The last area to work on while single is one’s health. When single, one has less responsibilities compared to the married couples and parents. This the time to set a standard for the type of life you want to live and the quality of life you want to sustain.  So it’s important to take care of your emotional, physical and mental health.I, for one, rely on music, spirituality and sleep for my mental health. There is nothing like a 15 hours night sleep. This is the type of thing I am not so ready to compromise in the future, hence single does it for me right now thank you. 

Additionally, set the tone for others: don’t hold on to those who project negativity or those who try to pull you down, miss them with the ignore button and keep it moving. Don’t even engage in such foolery; do not give them the time and day to participate in unnecessary drama.

In terms of emotional health, learn to be emotionally independent. Work on healing childhood wounds or other hurts and trauma you may have gone through. See someone, journal, give yourself time and be kind to yourself. Forgive those who hurt you, including yourself. Learn the difference between being kind and being taken advantage of, the difference between compromising and complying. Leave the baggage behind and walk light.
 Lastly in terms of physical health, treat your body like a temple, mind what you put in it. Moisturize, hydrate and use the time you have to be active and fit. 

Keep a tunnel vision, breathe, stress not, fret not, worry not, it’s not a race or a competition! Enjoy being your own bae dammit!

Yours in satisfied singleness

Gladiators: Uzuri K&Y

22 Jan 2016

Whispers to the Creator

Hello, Hey, Hi there lovers. 

So, I thought that it would only be right to share a few words emanating from the depth of a sacred place within me. A poem I wrote, called whispers to the Creator. In my mind it works well with this preppy, seemingly "good girl" look. 

Dear Creator
As I become aware of the magnificence of your aesthetics, recognizing that I was made with no error
Enlighten my vision, let it  chase away  all terror
Help me salvage the greatness you have created in me
Give me the peace of mind I require as I go through the process where you transform me
Let me experience the joys of your grace, reassuring me that you are always with me
Fix my eyes on the purpose and destiny you have planned for me
Even if I can’t see you, let my heart be filled with your love for me
Let not a day pass without my spirit being in communion with yours
You are the constant in the cycle of changes, so may my thoughts be guided by yours
You remain my source from dawn to dawn, while I still breathe let the soul and all that I am be yours
As you enable me, let the glory be not for the vessel but always yours

(I swear I am smiling on the inside)

Style tip: A pelplum top is always a good idea, if you seek to accentuate the waste area and make it look smaller. When paired with a trumpet or flared skirt, more volume is created at the bottom creating a more voluptuous,  pin-up, "figure 8", coke bottle (whatever you wanna call it) appearance.

Have y'all seen though? The fro turned into a lil puffy-puff...We thank the Creator for the growth (naturalista's problems much ?!).

Love, light and all the good thannnngzzz!!

Top: Woolworths
Skirt: Cotton On
Heels: Fashion Express

15 Jan 2016

What is?

Hello there you lil beautiful flower ("marvelous oak" if you think it's cute), you!

For today: a lil light, a lil poem and some vintage inspired look.

It's not what is seems
I look closer and still it seems elusive
A mirage of what is
I stand firm, if I look hard enough I tell myself, it may be persuasive 
But no matter how hard I try to focus, it's not what it is, so then what is?

It came to my mind, that what is could be what I create
What I believe to be the reality
Better off, the truth could be in the light I seek
Or the truth I find enlightening may be what will guide me
The challenge though, those who found theirs seem to be blinded by their own universes
Clearly we all come with our notion of what light is
We conceptualize a whole galaxy around it, declare it to be bright for us and the whole kind
Forgetting to be kind, we point the lack thereof in the worlds of others
But does it make us awake? aware? or even mindful? Or is it total obscurity labelled light?

All that being said, let the light not be made of mere, feeble opinions
Let it be so pure, so bright as day
So refreshing as a morning breeze
Something that reaches higher than knowledge
Something that goes deeper than the scars of life's lessons
Let it transcend higher than belief, let it heal me, let it guide me
Let it help me to walk the path light as a feather 

So, what now?
I neither have to be in the shadow nor in the spotlight
Whether this little light shines their path or mine
It all comes down to what I choose to visualize
From the vision, I hope that it will materialize
And in eternity, crystallize

Top: Ackermans
Skirt: Woolworths
Oxfords/Brogues: Old Khaki
Jewelry: Inzuki Designs

Love and light, thank you for passing by. 

8 Jan 2016

Comfort zoned-out

Hello beautiful beings 

It is often said that change is the only constant in life and therefore in order to survive we have to adapt. But for some of us, change is good yes, but the strains of adapting don't sound as exciting as the idea of novelty. Yes indeed, serve me some stability, tea and laughter; ideally a life following a steady upward trend and I have made it. However that's far from the reality of an early 20 to 30 years old's life. At this stage of life, a lot happens, from moving to another country, to jump starting a career, a family, begin a new journey and anything else of the sort. 
Such a time is a crucial and pivotal point in one's life.. In fact that point of transition can make or break the next 10 years of your life (because, yes let's keep a positive attitude here, we can begin again at any time within those 10 years). 

So the last months of 2015 have been filled with a lot of changes in my life. One, I did not go back to my home country (Rwanda) to spend the holiday season with my nuclear family, which was a first in all my 20 something years of taking space on the planet. Two, all my friends (now family), that I have spent the past four years with, have left and relocated back home. Three, I have moved out from my own place on campus to live with family for the next year. Four, as much as I thought that I would be done with my Masters thesis I am only half way. Lastly, I decided to make use of this last year and learn something new, so I decided to do a course in fashion designing. 
Looking at the list, yes it is not the end of the world (no judgmental Judy here thank you, allow a girl to be all up in her feels). Certainly I am doing something with my life; however so much change happening at the same time can make a girl feel like she is no longer standing on "firm ground". 

Given that I take the concept of me-time to another level ( limited human interactions of 10 hours max for sanity purposes) and had been living alone for the past 6 years. The biggest challenge became not having my own personal space, having to  be lively, patient and all those good things. It felt like I am an under age adult of some sort, facing the reality of an adult but living the life a dependent minor. More like who I used to be doesn't fit anymore, and I have to fit into who I am becoming and feel comfortable with the change. 

Since we live and we learn, no matter what situation we may find ourselves in, we always have the capacity to learn few things. Here are a few lessons I learned:
  1. Each present moment, no matter how slow it feels, prepares you for what's coming in the future. Be grateful for it all.
  2. Live one day at a time: one resolution/a day in order to avoid being overwhelmed. 
  3. Life cannot be out-planned, as much as it is good to be organised and have a clear vision of where you are going, unexpected things will happen. You gotta get with the damage control program in all serenity.  
  4. Success and growth are a cumulative of moments and events that catapult you where you want to get. Do not underestimate the days of small beginnings. 
  5. Falling, failing, waiting and stumbling are the most enriching, although painful, parts of the process. 
  6. Let your spiritual life be the core and center of your life, it's the only thing that will energize you during this rat race. 

Thank you for reading, please share your experience if you may, and I hope that the year started well for you all!

Tank top: Mr Price
Skirt: Mr Price
Leather Jacket: Jerusalem (Access Park - for those in Cape Town)
Heels: Madison (Online purchase on Superbalist)