23 Sept 2016

Godfidence vs confidence

Hello there!
Today I am having a little talk on spirituality: Godfidence versus (self) confidence. 

Confidence is described as “a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best most effective.”  The most important aspect of the definition is certainty. Confidence and self-confidence are associated with exactitude: knowing that what you know stands as true and that it will happen. Godfidence on the other hand is the confidence that God exist, that He is for you and that He will do what He promised to do. Godfidence is the fuel to my life, because as a human there are aspects and areas in my life where self-confidence is not sufficient. Self-confidence and confidence can only take you so far. Both can cover up when it comes to your area of expertise or when it comes to showcasing your talents. There is a certainty and exactitude associated with the fact that whatever task you are good at will be executed with excellence. In fact for some of the things, you may be able to do them with your eyes closed, no pressure, no wahala!

While it’s good and healthy to be confident and self-confident, Godfidence is the best option. Godfidence is the best option because it will find you in the pit of inadequacy and call you qualified. Godfidence will find you in a moment of anxiety and calm the storm, simply by knowing that the God you pray to listens and will never forsake you. Godfidence finds you at your last minute of despair and turns sadness into joy. When self-confidence cannot carry you further than what you know, Godfidence equips you with reassurance that He who is in you is greater than this who in this world. Godfidence reminds you that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

Godfidence goes beyond your educational background, your connections and abilities and stretches from walking by sight to walking by faith. It goes beyond the present and stretches to your future, giving you hope and spurring some excitement for what is to come, turning present knowledge into future expectation. The good thing about being expectant with God is that He comes through for you, even when you least expect it, even when your circumstances look otherwise. Godfidence gives more energy and power; knowing that by faith, you can access God through prayer and that He has heard you. Luke 4: 35 says it best “So do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded because we belong to those who have faith and are saved”. Therefore it is important to know where we place our confidence, either in ourselves or in God. I don’t know about you; but for me, I’d rather place it in God whom abounds in love, care and great plans for our lives. There is so much one can achieve with God than on their own.

Shirt-dress: Cotton On
Shoes: Zara
Scarf: Thrifted
Earrings: Inzuki

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