21 Dec 2016

The necessity of gratitude

The past 6 months have been the hardest months of my entire existence. I have been through trials and tribulations I had never thought I’d go through in a million years. Basically life happened and it was not sweet. In the midst of that pain, I realized how important gratitude is. Pain has the tendency to render one self-centered while gratitude has a way of bringing healing.  

When one is going through a tough time it’s easy to be hopeless, helpless and aggravated. The outcome of it all is that the pain is magnified and we easily lose sight of the good things that could be happening around us. When Oh my Lord the sky is falling, the world is coming to an end and everything is doomed; that’s when gratitude becomes indispensable.

Gratitude becomes indispensable as it brings back a ray of hope. It starts with being grateful for the small things. It’s crazy how many people, out there, do not have a warm meal or a shelter. So many other people do not have a family they can rely on, friends to support them. Others do not have the freedom you may have. By being grateful for all those small things, joy can find its way back into your life. Where sorrow had siege, happiness can find its way. So forget not to give thanks for what you have, it will bring a little light in the midst of darkness. 

Heels: The Fix
Dress: Legit

Love and Light!

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