28 May 2016

Wardrobe Functionalities

Hello there!!!

Today's post is all about wardrobe functionalities: how to optimize the little space, the limited budget and get ready in seconds. One big misconception about fashion and style bloggers is that they have the biggest closets, overflowing with clothes, shoes and accessories. Is that the reality though? Nope, at least not mine! The trick is finding creative ways to make your wardrobe more functional!

For the case of an average college student, the wardrobe space is often very limited, or  if you live at home you most probably have to share the closet space with someone. Aside of the space issue comes the limited budget, which restricts you from shopping whenever you feel like a new cute outfit. Besides, why not save some money instead of buying all these clothes; which do not improve the functionality of your wardrobe, leaving you with plenty of clothes, a questionable bank balance and nothing to wear. Lastly, the impediment of a malfunctioning wardrobe is the time it takes to get ready. In order to save time, money and optimize space I have gathered a few tips and tricks on how to organize your wardrobe, in a more efficient way. 

There are multiple ways to go about the organisation of your wardrobe. I use four ways to group my clothes so that I may know where I find what. 

1. Hang the garments according to their length. 
2. Hang the garments according to the colors or prints (monochrome vs floral).
3. Hang the garments according to their style/silhouette/fit (clothes of the same category/family)
4. Hang the garments according to their functionality/use or texture (all leather garments  vs black leather jacket)

After this little demonstration, one could argue that it's hard to maintain the wardrobe this organised, especially given the fact that 24 hours are just too little hours a day, for all that we ought to do on a daily basis. 

Well, in order to keep this level of visibility, it is always a great idea to check the weather for the next day and prepare the outfit the night before.Obviously I haven't always been this organised in life. However, once I tried to make my wardrobe more functional and increase visibility, I managed to get ready in 20 minutes instead of an hour (I know you could use those extra minutes to catch up with some sleep). The increased visibility allows me to find things quicker, making the pairing and matching of items easier and  faster.  i hope that it helps you too. 

Love and Light!

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