24 May 2016

A Freak’Occidental, coincidental or accidental?

Born and bred in Africa, raised occidental, The Freak’Occidental was a freak of nature. The Freak’ Occidental was birthed and nursed by a lady with an afro, wearer of floral prints and Bob Marley avid listener. The lady with the afro was born a little before her time; the delivery stork might have delivered her in the wrong era. At the ripe age of 20 something, the lady with an afro met a structured minimalist, from the same land. The minimalist dreamed international and spoke occidental. A coconut of some sort, he was a listener of Mozart and white golfer’s tee and preppy swagger type of guy. Both too expressive and passionate, their love was knitted with poetry, structure, hard work and ambition. He wrote her poetry, poetry that reflected her strong beliefs, driven spirit and warm heart.

Few years later, they gave birth to a ‘Freak’Occidental’. Born in Africa but raised Occidental. She was neither from here or there but she belonged. One birthed her but the other taught her all that she knew about life. In her mind it was simple, both worlds existed and no choice had to be made between the two. The Freak'Occidental was classified a misfit by the society she lived in. Like how dared she lack modesty and look a person straight into their eyes when conversing?  How could she be fluent, articulate and free to express her mind, but still be from the land?

Why was a queen expected to forge herself into forced humility, she asked herself? Could the land not produce queens that could lead the pack? After all, the afro lady, print wearer taught her emancipation and made her aware of the freedom to speak her mind. One thing she emphasised was that eclipsing one’s greatness did not make the stars shine brighter, ‘not a so bright of an idea baby’. Besides, the structured minimalist trained her to dream global and not be coerced by supremacy. Philosophical debates and questions about her opinion were her bed time stories. It’s all she was ever taught, all that she ever knew.

Funny enough, the minimalist and the floral prints wearer looked puzzled by the flower child. They were challenged by the product of their teaching, reproaching her for being too opinionated, stubborn, and too free to survive in the land.  What an impersonation of their truth, what a perfection of their belief-as scary, as ugly, as bunt, as real as it could be; they now sought to soften her edges to ensure that she could thrive in the land. But the Freak-Occidental grew to be a wild flower, one eager to follow unexplored paths to find the boundary less way to her soul. Her soul was the only place that did not require her to be identified but allowed her to just be. The only place where mighty mindful melanin was not a shocking factor, and expression and femininity were not mutually exclusive.

So she went on to create her own world, where other Feak’Occidentals could be free to be. A bubble, where there was no need to impress or be acknowledged by the locals, foreigners or the travelers. In that world, there was no need to explain how greatness was birthed at home and should be appreciated as such and not seen as impressive or shocking. In that world, there was no need to fake humility or altering their persona to fit in, just to prove that they belonged to the land. All that mattered was to simply enjoy the freedom to be all that they could be and wander the land without a need to be labelled or fit into a category. The only box that the Freak'Occidentals ticked was FREE. 

White blouse: The Fix
Print Top: Aella (made by me)
Brogues: The Fix

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