23 Mar 2016

The other side of a blessing you are never told about

Greetings from the comfort of my couch to the brightness of your screen!!!

Autumn is finally upon us, and I've started prepping for fall!

It's been two weeks without posting, my apologies for that; I needed to be Iyanla and fix this life I live. Talking about the topic of today, we shall be speaking about the other side of blessings: the non-shiny, oh my word what did I sign up for side of it. 

Have you ever wondered what happens in the process of getting to your promise land? 
Have you ever thought what people actually go through, before we see their victories and hear that they've finally made it to wherever they wanted to get? 
The other side of blessings is often overlooked or not spoken about, because it may discourage some or it's just not as catchy and glamorous really * such a Debbie Downer for the optics*. However, it's that part often not  talked about that shapes us, refines our character and strengthens our tenacity. Hence, the desire to share my story, my other side of the blessing of finally doing/studying what I love. 

Four weeks ago, I began my journey as a fashion design student. I waited for 21 years for this to happen. While I was so ecstatic to finally acquire the knowledge of my preferred field of study/occupation; I had to ensure that my other commitments were also fulfilled. I took it upon myself  to combine working on my Masters' thesis with fashion school, from January until Mid-March (the week of submission). 

Before I started fashion school at the end of February; although exhausted by the pressure of grad school, I was able to focus on one thing at a time and things were sort of working well. However when both things were combined, it wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be. 
Most people think that doing art is so easy, that arts students must be chilling for a living. But is it so though? No! 
One of the things that humbled me, is to see how much work goes into fashion design and art in general. I mean after taking a whole afternoon to draw 10 fashion faces as a homework, my perspective had to change real quick.

Anyway...As I was saying...

The early days of  March began and submission week is now around the corner; meanwhile fashion school's homework are coming in like tomorrow won't be no day. Additionally, here I receive a direct message asking me whether I would want to curate the Rwandan twitter account. I welcomed stress into my life with open arms, because the 'Year of Yes' and daring myself to go out of my comfort zone.  Did I make it to the submission day? Yes, I did. But how did that week go? Chaos, friend, chaos! 
Between the trips from the fashion institute to University, volunteering, trying to make it for submission, homework, curating, living life => I ended up with heavy back-pains, my blood pressure fell and a level of fatigue that knocked me out at 6 PM on Friday to only wake up at 9 AM the following day. But still this is not a train smash. 

Nobody had warned me that fashion school required me to buy stationary every other day. As in, I am seriously competing with my 7 years old brother in terms of stationary ownership. That's not even it, I did not know that I would need an additional machine (an overlocker). See my savings pass me.  
Here I find myself, grateful for finally living the dreams but I am definitely broke now. I cannot afford to go out without planning it like an AGM (Annual General Meeting), I cannot sleep as much as I want to if I have to take public transport to school and not just walk there like I used to. Well, we are not even going to talk about shopping, because that will have to be prepared for months in advance just like how long it takes before the fiscal budget is finalized 

So as I am sitting down and seeing my bank account's balance, the state of my health and the awaiting responsibilities such as blogging, finding ways to acquire capital, volunteering, being a human, etc. It all boiled down to the fact that  "no greatness is birthed without sacrifices". The route to 'making it' is bumpy, the progress is slow too, some sacrifices hard to endure more than others; BUT IT IS WORTH IT whether I know what's ahead or not. As long as giving up is not even an option, faith can/will take me places.

Coat: Online Purchase (Superbalist)
White Jeggings: PnP Clothing
Shirt: Gift
Bag: Aldo 
Sunglasses: Mr Price
Earrings: FIX

Love, light and keep on dreaming and keep on going even when you feel like giving up!

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