9 Mar 2016


Hello there!!!!!

It's been a little while since I posted, missy's life has been A MESS HONEY *Wendy William's voice*!!! 
Jokes, it wasn't that bad. It's just a lot of changes all at the same time. Last week I started fashion school, FINALLY (in life though, I have been waiting for this since high school)!!! While that was happening, I was wrapping up with my Master's thesis. Hence the slight delay. 

Le topic du jour  is all about being BOLD and AUDACIOUS--> BODACIOUS  in the way we approach life. If anyone asked me what I would be doing with my life after grad school, I certainly wouldn't  have said fashion design. I thought that fashion design was a course I will probably take in my mid-thirties. I was not even sure for what purpose, how to go about and what to use the new knowledge for, or how things will work out. It was just a dream I had put on the back burner, swallowed up by the demands of grad school, and what used to be the economic reality of Africa back then. By the time I had to go to college, a career as a fashion designer was not fathomable. 

Despite being doubtful and hesitant about my dream few years ago, I knew that one day it will all come true. Although only parts of the dream have become true, I am even more BODACIOUS and fired up about what's in store. These levels of motivation are, however, not solely sourced from  points of passion and excitement. There is also a presence of fear, doubt, apprehension and limitations. The only difference is that I refuse to let those negative feelings inhibit me and chock the life out of my aspirations. It's not that it's easy and that all things are rosy. But if I am doubtful of myself, who would then believe in me? Besides, how sustainable is it to rely on other people's affirmation of who I am, what I am good at and my destiny in general? 

So in the name of the year of YES (yes, I expect you all to have watched Shonda Rhymes TED talk), be bold and audacious about life. Let your prayers be outrageous (if you have not asked, how can you receive?).  Even if God knows your prayers before you say anything, it's important to make the first step in faith and go for it. Reach out to life, shock yourself about how much you can and will accomplish. Slow progress is better than none, so you will definitely get where you want to be. 

Walk away from those who call you out on your dreams, telling you to be more realistic, the vision was never theirs in the first place. Acknowledge the presence of limitations, but don't let them turn into the belief of who you are what you can accomplish. No one was ever great by dwelling on the impossibility of their ideas. Let your faith in God, yourself and your abilities be the promise you hold on to. It will not be easy, but it will sure be worth it. 
Remain resilient and unapologetic about your future!

Dress: Cotton On
Booties: Forever21
Earrings: Klines

Love and light always!

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