26 Feb 2016

Awesomeness or Awkwardness?

Hello there Kings and Queens!

Can you take a compliment? Do you just say thank you, own your awesomeness or it just feels awkward? So many of us don't know what to do with ourselves when we are given a compliment or good feedback. It's like that small moment of recognition and 'spotlight' is just so uncomfortable that the ground might as well swallow us. The awkward response to a compliment doesn't mean that one needs constant external affirmation either. This is something I find pretty fascinating, because not taking  compliment has absolutely nothing to do with a lack of confidence.

Some compliments such as 'you are beautiful/handsome' are hard to take credit for. I mean, I never heard a painting take credit for the artist that made it. Somehow, beauty to me is not a merit, nobody worked hard to be beautiful and besides it only depends on the beholder. The same feeling of uneasiness occurs when one is congratulated  for academic or professional achievements. The easy way for that person after receiving good feedback for their great work is 'oh no, it's nothing'; yet, it might have taken them sleepless nights and lots of tears to get where they are. Then taking credit for such is taken lightly and mistaken for meekness; and off the giggling match starts or the 'oh stop it, it wasn't that hard anybody could have done it'. However, humility doesn't mean that one has to eclipse their greatness by resorting to self deprecation because it's nicer to sound funny and small (please adhere to being a Kanye of this world). 

There is power in looking a person straight in their eyes and say 'thank you'. Leaving self-doubt behind and taking credit where it's due is important for one's growth. I have an aunt who is a pro at taking compliments and being told nice things. If you compliment her on an outfit she would say thank you, not 'oh this old thing' or 'oh, it's just okay'. After all, saying thank you, owning your awesomeness takes nothing away from you. It only empowers you. So, as I challenge myself to say thank you, I hope that you also open up to (small or big) things that used to make you uncomfortable and own your awesomeness. Don't be frightened by your own light. 

Be a Kanye of this world, enjoy your achievements, see them as great before anyone else does. 

Dress: Moonsoon Clothing
Sandals: Somewhere in Rwanda
Bangles: Inzuki mixed with my own

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