19 Feb 2016

Life is not microwavable: a lesson on patience

Hello there!!!

In the life of the driven, growth and progress have such a big role in one's wellness and need for self-actualization. As a goal driven person, I tend to believe that if I have done my best, I have done my part, ensured that my work is excellent; then life (or my work) should be equally rewarding. Somehow I may be wrong to treat life like an investments for which the amount invested should provide equal returns. Although, this may work in some cases, there is nothing under the sun that is achieved without struggling and learning to be patient. The truth that life is not microwavable occurred to me this week. 

Currently, I am working on finishing up my masters thesis, and if there is a challenge that is experienced in research it's the amount of set backs one encounters. From the beginning of the project, there is a myriad of uncertainties that one faces: if it's not data availability issues, it's administrative issues, if not supervision issues or for fellow macroeconomists some model stability issues. A lot can happen despite the amount of work one puts in, making the progress look like it's slower than a snail's pace and the target close to unreachable. 

One thing, for sure this feeling of discouragement is shared by many. From the entrepreneur trying to start-up a business, to the parents trying to have a baby, to the guy trying to gain muscles, to the woman waiting on her promotion, to the people waiting on a home-loan approval and the graduate waiting to be employed; basically anybody and everybody with a goal or dream they want to achieve. Somehow, it can get so bad that it feels like a race with no finish line, and despite how much you've tried, there hasn't been anything to show for it. Successful? Not yet. 
So often, the discouragements leads to two things: the temptation of comparison and the act of giving up. 

In a society where everything seems instantaneous, we can easily be mislead. When you look around you may see what you desire owned or achieved by someone else, and start feeling like you are lacking because you are not there yet. If not, you may feel so overwhelmed with desperation and think that since there is nothing to show for it, why not just give up (maybe it was not even meant for me you tell yourself). 

The truth is nothing good, sustainable and true can be seconds-made. There is always a struggle on the other side of a blessing, you may just not able to see it yet but it's there (I joke you not, I prayed to get accepted for this degree). There is no escalator/lift to reaching a goal/target. Success, in whatever you may be doing, is more like walking through a labyrinth to find the exit. Although, the vision may be clear and you are putting one foot in front of the other (progressing), some paths will lead to nowhere (lessons learned), others will lead you closer to the exit and others will get you back to square one (lessons of humility). Even  in the event of all the set backs and the slow progress, you are the ultimate driver to your destination. So don't give up and don't look left and right, fight the temptation and keep a faith-filled tunnel vision. 

Some good ol' reminders of patience:
  1. It too Jesus 30 years to start his ministry
  2. Oprah launched her OWN network in 2011 at age 57
  3. Shonda Rhyme's writing turned into movies and series when she was 32 years old
  4. Christian Dior established his brand at age 41
  5. Rome was not built in 3 days
  6. Noodles actually require 5 minutes in the microwave in order to be cooked


Bodysuit: Legit
Chinos: Woolworths
Jewelry: Lovisa
Shoes: Fashion Express

Love and light, hey...don't give up, yes you, don't give up! 

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