12 Feb 2016

Yours is the greatest love you can receive

Hello there beloved!

Valentine's day is around the corner. I thought I could drop some outfit inspiration to the table. As many know the color palette of this specific 'holiday' is centered on red. For some reason though, I feel like it gets obsolete, predictable or perhaps mainstream; so much that if one goes to a dinner date you may find yourself looking like every other person in the room. Well, how about breaking the mold I say? Wear another bright color or all black/white if you may? How about celebrating love, while celebrating yourself as an individual with a particular taste and choice of color. Why follow what everyone else is doing? While those thoughts took over my choice of garment this week, I thought this yellow number would do the trick. I mean, it's bright enough to relate to the joyful, sweet celebration. Plus those floral heels and the red lipstick will do for all the 'romantic' flare.  Since the color was really overpowering, I did not want to overcrowd this piece with a lot of jewelry. When it comes to Valentine's day, I prefer subtlety over anything else. SO, it all boils down to making a statement while wearing a bright color (make your presence felt won't you?) and add little accessories to the mix and ya ready!

While at it, I wanted to touch on the subject of plans or what to do on Valentine's day. As a single girl, I have two options: have fun or sulk through my life. But as a believer of 'self love' and 'making it happen', I say waste no time ---->make it happen for yourself and say no to FOMO. For yours is the greatest love you could ever receive. I don't see what could restrict one to create what they want, seize your life and own it. 
As a decipher these statements for you, I simply mean that you can have tons of fun. I remember my 15 years old self, since I had no puppy-love mate, I just went ahead and bought myself a rose. My friends and classmate laughed at me, but well I was making it happen for myself. If you want something just get it.  Seriously though, grab your friends and go kick it somewhere fun ad have the time of your life. Monday is another day to keep it moving, without binge eating or sobbing okay? Also remember to celebrate the love you have around you, friends and family are a huge blessing, a source of comfort, support and love we ought to be grateful for. Most importantly, celebrate yourself, spoil yourself and realize what  a gift you are!

Dress: Foschini
Heels: Zoom
Earrings: Zuri

Lots of love and thank you for passing by!

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