20 Nov 2015

Settled within herself

The storm has passed
 In her realm, peace surpassing all understanding sieges 
The acceptance of the unknown has become light
Love made it all alright
Perhaps the acknowledgement of her limitations permitted nothing to matter so much  to disturb the serenity 

So all small things began to make her smile
Giggles of the stream of life, the beautiful and the awful
Even the touch of the wind on her cheeks made her being purposeful
Delighted was she when her lungs filled with the air of the morning breeze
New life she thought, present made gift 
Finally she had settled within her self
All the corners, curves, curls and walls adorned by an overwhelming embrace of the self

Shackles loosened, she danced with pure joy
Walked with grace, purified by love
The rhythm of life galloped at the beating heart of the lover of her soul
Heart on her heart, each step, each move of her being contributed to the flow
He was the ground that nourished her back to life
It all made her grow
Nursed to wholeness and health
She held herself as her greatest wealth
A flower forever blooming  

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