9 Nov 2015

You mean to say that my style matters ?!

Hello Lovelies!!!!

A couple of months ago, one of my friend wanted some advice/opinion about what to wear at a certain event. What is funny about our conversations is that my friend often knows what she actually wants to go for. So after providing my solicited advice, I often ask her what actually makes her more comfortable and what will make her feel good or feel more like herself. Then in the middle of our chat she asked "so my style matters?"... My answer was an immediate and irrevocable yes!

Your style does matter. One thing I found myself running away from is to tell my readers what to wear, when to wear it and how to wear it. I am aware of the fact that for some of us who cannot afford a stylist or a whole entourage for "beatness" purposes, we often rely on tips and tricks from bloggs, TV shows and magazines. What I don't like about it though is that the whole process is far too impersonal and may not carter to your personal needs, size, preferences etc. So, I stopped giving the tips and tricks because I do not want to tell your story. 

I can help you get down to who you are, guiding you towards what could be visually suitable and representative of you. This is as for one to be a good personal stylist, aside of the technical knowledge of knowing what flatters most a certain body type, the personal stylist has to really know who you are. So that they may assist in bringing the real you to the world. Simply because your style tells your story, who you are, what kind of person you are more likely to be, what kind of career you have, your views of the world,etc. So how can I tell you what to wear when I am not you, haven't had the time to really know you, haven't walked in your shoes, not fully aware of your reality; it would be presumptuous of  me to come up with a full blown outfit you should wear. 

That being said, one of my aunts asked me " but, isn't a fashion blogg supposed to provide the tips and tricks on what to wear and how to match garments etc.?"...My answer to that was also a yes. Yes they are supposed to do so. So she continued asking me how I do that without writing about it? Well my simple answer was that the pictures will speak for themselves. I aim to influence not inspire. If you get a liking into what I am wearing or how I put it together and you use it into your own style, then my work is done and I am happy. Because, ultimately as a reader you would have made the personal decision to use the information or idea you are given to create something of your own. Not something that is drilled into you, imposed to you or a one size fits all tip given to you for the sake of content. Besides, being restricted to a content of "what to wear" tips would be agonizing for me, there is more to fashion than styling tips, there are different aspects of fashion related to life I enjoy writing about. Just like any art, fashion touches and speaks about all aspects of life.

Own your style lovelies, care to own your story and do not be afraid to tell it, it matters :)

Crop Top: Mr P
Wide legged pants: Legit
Kimono: Woolworth
Platform heels: Woolworth
Bag: Aldo
Sunglasses: YDE

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