23 Sept 2015

Dear me, dare me!

Dear me
Dear me, not so little anymore but still a lil girl on the inside
You don't ever have to pretend
Thinking that you are defended
Defended by the silence imposed to your emotions, feelings inhibited
Even if they don't understand your mind, be on your own side
Feelings shattered, voiced shut, you are not meant to be following every coming wind

Have a grip little girl
Have a grip to stand still
Stand on the side if it's needed, but remain still even when you are ripped apart
You don't have to dim your light to be in the part
Part of the preexisting evolution of confusion
All the anger, all the abuse and resentment, let it not be called love seen in an illusion
Or some will say it's a love and stability kind of fusion
But hurting yourself is no redemption

Little girl, you do not have warm up everyone else for the sake of saving yourself
Selflessness is not thinking less of the self
Nor is it selfish to retract from anything that doesn't build you up
Help you grow up
You don't have to get to a point where you blow up
Little girl brighten up
Shine to your lil light
Keep on walking light

Let go
Let it go
Let it all go
Slowly but let it all go still
You do not have to be a pillar to redeem your frailness
Nothing can feel up that emptiness
It takes crucifixion to deny the past self to reach fullness
Ease into your self little girl
Phase off the bitterness
Most like regrets and mea culpas, being stuck in the past is useless
Be brave for yourself, not for the sake of those who turned you into a case
Let it all go, decide what will form you and lead yourself to where your heart is
Your own light and fresh breeze
Don't hold on to the tease
You are more, you need more, you are created for more

Top: YDE
Skirt: Mr Price
Socks: Woolworths
Heels: Utopia
Necklace: La Belle

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