19 Jul 2015


Hello beautiful beings!!!!

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed, suffocating, tired or even worrying...what do you do?

 One thing I love to do is to
have plenty of "me-time"....What does the concept of me-time constitute, it may not be the perfect definition, but to me it is setting time aside to spend time with me,
get back to the core of my being, perhaps retrospect and introspect, meditate or perhaps just sleeeeeeeeep it off!!!! Most times though I need to say a lil prayer just to cool off, I am convinced that there is a lot of power in praying, mostly healing and soothing powers.

One other thing I have had to get accustom to is to make my mind a happy and safe place. As a woman or a girl, it is so easy to reside in my feelings and be overly sensitive, and sometimes it is also easy to confuse responsibility, planning with worrying. So by worrying and being anxious about every little detail of a task or life becomes such a draining process.

Especially when you start imagining or preparing your plan of action for any type of scenario that could happen....But one thing I have come to realize is
that neither worrying nor overthinking does help me at all..Instead I chose to start feeding my brain with positive thoughts, thoughts that are so pretty that I could put them in a vase. 

That does not mean that I live in a fairy tale land (in my head).
But if I had to live in a world I created, it would be one where goodness, kindness reside, where expectations, prejudice and judgement have no place...A place where a person is seen for who they are and where the good is a primary focus instead of
zooming in on the negative side of things...

The bottom line is...make your mind your safe place for you and for the rest of the world
, because news flash you are not a
victim of biology, you have power over your thoughts....And the world needs positive vibes

If you can control your thoughts why not cultivate the good stuff there instead of harboring the junk? 

So own it honey, be encapsulated in your happy thoughts.....The reality of your life and your dreams start in your  mind, so 
maintain the place where the process begins
..be your own light of sunshine

Crop Top: Cotton On
Shirt: Fashion Express
Pants: Woolworth
Shoes: Mr Price
Jacket: Thrifted
Sunglasses: YDE

Thank you for reading, for passing by, for scrolling through...you are appreciated!

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