16 Feb 2015

Conventional Assymetry

Hello beautiful beings!!!!

The first post had to be about my new favorite " the black and white asymmetric dress", in essence I bought it for this year's Valentine's Day dinner and cocktails with the girls. 
 Conventionally, black and white are the most elegant colors but also the easiest to wear and with immediate "class effect".

I loved how flirty the dress was with its plongeant decollete, I mean if you are single on a lover's day, you have to respectful remain sexy for the sake of self-love ;). 
I paired the dress with black sandals to add more structure and emphasize the geometric tendency. 
Another enchanting detail about this dress was its back, a gold metallic "hanger-shaped" piece was holding the strings that attached the front to the back. For those who know me, I have a soft spot for gold, if i could I would always rock up wearing all black or all white with gold accessories (but such is a huge commitment am not ready to fulfill). 

In terms of accessories I wore long pendant earrings, I did not want to wear any necklace which could have hindered the simplicity of the decollete. Since my neck is not too long (or long enough) it would have become "team too much" should I have worn a necklace. Of course I had to wear red lipstick (MAC- Russian Red, available in all Edgars outlets) to keep the momentum on the lover's day. 

Dress: Legit 
Heels: Edgars
Earrings: Zuri
Bracelet: Zuri
Rings: Lovisa (Pack)

Thank you for reading and be aellable!

Pictures taken by: Ntamakemwa

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