15 Feb 2015

Welcome to Everyday Aella!!!!

Greetings beautiful beings, welcome to Everyday Aella !!!!!!

My name is Mariella. I am a 24 year old Masters student in Applied Economics with a focus in Macroeconomics .  Aside of grad school, I am a fashion designer, style blogger, poet and so many other things in between. I am currently based in Cape Town (South Africa) but originally from the heart of Africa, Rwanda.

The essence of this blog is to perfect my passion without any further delay. I have always wanted to have a fashion/style blog. I have had  a few pilot blogs that didn't grow to flourish, however I learned so much from the mistakes I made with the previous blogs, one being that not everything has to be perfect but that it's crucial to follow my dreams and not give up. 

  When it comes to the purpose of the blog, the intent is to portray ways of mixing and matching garments for a college girl who may be transitioning into the labor force. While I partake in different dialogues while using fashion and style as  tools to express myself, the aim is to provide information and ideas that help you to ultimately assist you to create your own style.

The reason why I called the  blog Everyday Aella was to celebrate  the style of an ordinary, girl next door, real woman style.  My utmost desire is to celebrate normalcy, promote self love and always save a coint!  To some extent I am also bending and breaking societal rules , which forget to adorn and admire the average woman. Myself, I am a curvy petite, who’s hitting the gym, but does not always wear heels or too much make up (that’s also beautiful). The point is I try to make an effort to look good – well in order to also feel good, remain practical and as authentic as I canIn other words, I hope to be relatable.  

Again as a college student, the way my bank account is set up is that you shan't see me carrying a Louis Vuitton or Fendi Bag ,and  no I do not own any Chanel dress or wear any sky-high Louboutin heels  (haa but am open to donation). I mean unless if I was a millionaire in pounds, I believe that the brands should be invested in once one owns a house, a car and a well-diversified active and passive investment portfolio. Thus being fashionable or stylish, in my opinion, does not mean that you should spend all your money on clothes, shoes and bags; nor does it mean that wearing brands makes one more stylish. 

Thank you for reading and be Aellable :)


  1. very nice, love rings :) am not even talking about the boots....... keep it up girl!
