19 Feb 2015

Checked Casualties

Hello beautiful beings, or should I be corny and throw in a "What's up mates?" ( I mean, today's post sounds better with a more casual greeting....Anyway as we carry on with the post). 

So today's look is more of a college-ready look. You would most probably want to look casual but cute too ( as in "I have made a little effort to look presentable"). Yes, I know that sometimes going to campus is not really inspiring, am not even going to start talking about the little time one has to get ready. Nonetheless, I believe that what I have put together today includes items that we all have in our closets, so it shouldn't be hard to throw everything together.

About the so prominent "hold your hat" pose, I was not trying out what could be a fancy blogger's pose. In actuality, I was fighting with the CapeTownian wind (it's aggressive), otherwise that hat would be gone with it. 

I paired a simple basic white tee with denim shorts (well it's summer down here). I wore the red checked shirt as an accessory to add more life to what could be a very basic and boring outfit. I also thought that the brown booties and checked red shirt go well together ( a little Cow Boy, Western's inspiration). So, yes in essence my focal item here is the red checked shirt, although it is used as an accessory, I built everything else around it. 

In case it get's chilly, an olive jacket can also go well with the red checked shirt. I love the arms of the jacket, well because am an avid lover of leather, leather with olive is pure  electric, edgy-epicness. 

In terms of accessories, I wore silver jewelry to give it a more toned down appearance. Lastly, I want to emphasize the lack of "frugalness" in terms of the booties, booties are a staple item in a closet but they can be costly for a student's budget. On the good side, they are durable, versatile, comfortable and can be worn in any weather...That is why the quality really matters and all that money (R500 - R1000) we  pay in Woolworths or CottonOn is totally worth it. 

White Tee: A gift from my dad's closet (yes it couldn't fit him - also hand- me downs from parents are cool)
Denim shorts: Mr Price
Checked shirt: Fashion Express
Booties: CottonOn
Hat: Foschini
Necklace: JayJays
Earrings: Gift (thank you mommy for supporting) 
Sunglasses: Woolworths
Bag: Gift
Jacket: Thrifted

Thank you for reading and be Aellable!

Pictures taken by Ntamakemwa

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