26 Feb 2015

Crispy Crunch Time

Hello Beautiful Beings!!!!

Today's post is all about addressing the fear of bright colors and patterns at the work place. I am of the belief and view that if your workplace is not conservative to the extent of imposing certain colors (black, white, grey and navy blue), why not experimenting? I say no to being fearful, lame or just dressed like everyone else at work (we are either too young for that or too fabulous for that). I know it can be confusing in terms of pairing and final look (whether the look may seem trashy or "unserious")...But here are my two cents...

The core fundamentals of work-wear are balance (not too long or too short, not messy, etc.) and decency. However that does not mean that one cannot wear prints or bright colors if there are no restrictions.
 Most people fear that colors and patterns may draw too much attention (the wrong kind of attention), but not all kind of patterns will twist people's perception of you. Of course one cannot wear huge floral prints, all animal print outfit, numbers, slogans etc. and expect to be taken seriously; because that belongs to the street style or weekend category. Nonetheless some patterns are appropriate for the work place such as a subtle scarf print, polka dots, stripes etc. Besides the bright colors gives out the impression of a warm and bubbly personality, which may help you at work.  Anyway what really matters the most is that there is some kind of balance to the outfit. 
So what do I mean by balance? One should wear one patterned item and pair it with a monochrome (one color) item within the same color palette, as well as some neutrals. For example, I paired a white (classic color) scarf print silk blouse and yellow lace pencil skirt. The scarf print is an inspiration of the vintage Versace and started resurfacing on the runways and stores since spring 2012. As long as the background colors are either white or black, the print remains appropriate for the work place.

Since the skirt is somewhat see through at the bottom, I ensured to wear a 3/4 sleeves blouse which covers my whole bust to bring about a decent balanced look. Indeed when one is wearing bright colors it is best to remain modest and formal with no cleavage and legs showing at the same time. 
In terms of accessories, I wore basic neutral kitten heels which elongates my legs but also tones down the whole outfit.

I must admit I had a lot of fun pairing two different fabrics silk and lace, both so soft and delicate. They emanate too much feminine beauty, it's overwhelming. In terms of accessories I kept it all within the same color palette's as the blouse. I did not wear too much jewelry because when wearing prints there is no need to crowd out the look with bold accessories (I mean no one needs to look like a Christmas tree and clown all at the same time). The key is to have fun while keeping it all simple and classy. 

Well girls wanna have fun, have fun at work, dare to be bright and bold! 

Blouse: Fashion Express
Skirt: Mr Price 
Kitten heels: Mr Price
Clutch: Gift
Earrings: Forever 21
Bracelet: Women' s street
Ring: Lovisa (Pack)
Sunglasses: Woolworth

Focus on the grind, thank you for reading and be aellable!

Pictures taken by: Ntamakemwa

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