14 Dec 2015

Socially Responsible Consumerism

Hello there!!!! 

So, on the topic du jour is socially responsible consumerism. 

In the 21st century more is better, period! We all want more, we all want variety, we all want options and not necessarily in a shallow materialistic way; but because we want what we want or simply want a shoe to match half our wardrobe while looking cute and all. 

Talking about options, I needed (more of wanted) a pair of colorful sneakers, preferably floral sneakers. Why you ask? Well because comfort and cuteness obliges! The first thing that came to my mind was to go on a hunt for some floral Nike Roshe, but really who doesn't have those?! Then I kept on questioning myself as to why I wanted floral sneakers, well for starters next year will be a busy year for me with a lot of movement involved. I needed something that made me stand out, yet practical and versatile.  

While on the hunt for floral sneakers, my cousin told me about this Saturday morning Pop up that happens on 6th Spin Street, Cape Town CBD. As soon as I entered the hall where the pop up was happening,  my eyes were immediately drawn to the Inkkas Flora Joggers. Perfect you say? Oh heck ya! They were a great combination of colors and subtlety. not to mention the black that enveloped all that warmth impeccably! It was a good balance between a basic color and a whole lot of luminous bright colors. 

The meticulous person that I am, I firstly analysed her from side to side to the sole, she was calling my name like we've known each other from the workshop. As I admired the shoe, one of the gentlemen Paul (Inkkas's representative in South Africa) came to chat to me about the brand and what it stands for. While I was 
thinking about the cost of the pair relative to the Nike Roshe, the idea and vision behind the Inkkas brand was worth ten times more than the Nikes. 

Every shoe is made in Peru by a local artisan and for each shoe sold a tree is planted. At that moment there could not be anything more magnificent to me. Like, you are telling me that I will be looking  cute, while a tree is planted and someone's standards of living ameliorated?! Like, pass me a pair of each in my size would you? We are making the world a better place here, in style! 

Seriously though, socially responsible consumption means that I am helping a person in real need make ends meet, it means that I am either helping the planet or a person while I enjoy the ownership of an item. For me, there is no other fulfillment there could ever be from  a purchase. Such a purchase differs from one we make when the item is made by a big corporation which makes billions of dollars in profits and may not be ethical. While this purchase feels like a win-win situation, buying a product made by a big corporation simply feels like a ripoff or being trapped in the chains of vain consumerism once again. 

As much as some of us fashionistas may think that ethical fashion brands only provide a limited range of products; which sometimes do not match our taste, Inkkas provides a whole range suitable for most. There is a lil some-some for all, for those who like lots of colors to those who like it toned down. One thing for sure, their patterns and prints are original and unique, your feet will be on fleek in a 30 km radius, with no one else wearing the same shoes as you! That's a tick for originality and uniqueness! 

When it comes to how well the shoes are made and how comfortable they are. The make is well done, fit for the global market, for any and all cosmopolitan. The Inkkas flora have been my go to sneakers, they are very comfortable and easy to clean, they can be  worn with any outfit from jeans with a white shirt to a dress. All in all, it was a perfect match and balance between cuteness, comfort, uniqueness and altruism. 

Sneakers: Inkkas Worldwear (you can place an order online

Dress: Mr Price
Sunglasses: Cotton On

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