3 Oct 2015

A million complexities

Hello beautiful beings!!

This October, EverydayAella is graced by the beauty that is my soul sister. I felt like her style fits so well with spring, because in my eyes she is all things warm, pure and simple,...So I asked her to write something, but she said that I could pen her down, speak from the heart and introduce her through my eyes. So there goes a million complexities.

A million complexities

We are at the extreme polarities
I am all things bold and loud, you are sophisticated in all simplicity
But as much as I think I could describe you, you never cease to enhance my curiosity
You cannot be defined, even if we had all infinity
We see all our difference and complexities like no infirmity
But celebrated unity in all respect of individuality
Rebuked conformity
I appreciate the fact that we strive to conserve and base"us"on friendship and love labeled with purity and dignity

You are beauty in it's natural form
What's beautiful about you is that you exude it in all silence
No need to shout from the roof top or over do it, you are magnificence 
You are the mirror to the sun child that I am
Moon child, you soothe all the burning fire in me coming like a storm
You whisper "breathe" when I can't take it anymore and say hey we are in this together, here I am

I love that you do not entertain my insecurities
Instead your love, strong stares and nods take out some of those self-inflicted impurities
I am glad that you are an island, a destination I got the chance to reach
A refuge where I found myself, and with wisdom I got enriched

God must have known that my mother wouldn't bear no other daughter
So He gave me you
I am glad a have a safe place, I am glad I have you
You help me grow, you help me heal, you help me be me
your lil light beams on me
Soul sister, never stop being you, for in you I see me

#Jumpsuit: YDE
#Gladiators: Steve Madden 

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