14 Sept 2015

Mother Supreme

In homage and reverence to the force of nature that is my mother!!!

Mother Supreme

You are the earth that grounds me
The sky that elevates me to transcend to the higher me
Your love lights into me, and into me I can therefore see
Your words are the beauty of flowers
Like a rose, they remind me that the harshness of this world should not harm my softness
Just because I have scars of thorns, there is still beauty and gentleness within me
And such beauty I shall honor, for I am a flower worth watering in the midst of weeds of racing thoughts
Your love is healing, a wonderful scent that my mind should enclose, 
Just like to your heart you hold me close

You are the sun that keeps me warm
the moon that holds me down
Your river of inexhaustible warmth and life supplies endless energy from the core within me
You are the spring of my life
Renaissance in its own essence
Your being holds the sense of me
You help me make sense of my boldness
You take away all doubts and feed my fearlessness

You keep me going
You keep me rising 
You are light
You are love embodied in a mystical paradigm of a myriad complexities
I am glad to be engulfed in you
To be birthed by you
To be known by you
To be loved by you
You are supreme!

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