7 Jul 2015


Hello there beautiful beings!!

So this week's theme is all about exploring new styles, new ways....I am ll beanie and boots, laid back, which is not my usual thing, but where would the fun be if I never try out new things?

One thing I find primordial in life is to learn, part of the learning requires one to go out there and explore new things ad sometimes it requires to introspect...Truly we can learn from any and everything...Part of my learning process, in terms of style, consists of me tapping into my mood and the season (or weather) to influence my style. When this occurs I also like to venture into styles that I would usually not wear, go a little out of my comfort zone in order to see how it all turns out..... When I say out of my comfort zone, I mean less sophisticated.. I am not really a T-shirt and jeans nor beanie kind of girl..I like to be more dressy and stuff..but I tend to get bored quickly so I like entertain my self with different items and different looks that I would normally not rock..you gotta have fun with'it honey!

So on this particular day I was inspired by a rainy day where I would have to wear boots and layer up..In this shoot I took advantage of the sun and did not layer up like I would normally do...(Spotting the trend item: the oh so glossy wellies) ...I think that they are the prettier version of the normal rain boots really!!! The red band brought up a lil twist to what I normally see around. So I paired the whole outfit with my red checked shirt in order to have some harmony into the full look, and it also brings a lil pop of color in the dark ensemble. One thing I recommend though, when you buy items to make up looks that you won't usually try out or wear, don't spend a fortune on those particular items and make sure that you can pair them with some other items, otherwise it is a waste of money, really!

To me , fashion is art, your style is a canvas..So don't conform to the norms, don't get too comfortable with apparent "staples", don't let people put tags or put you in certain boxes...keep it fun, try out new things..surprise yourself!

T-shirt: Choice
Jeans: Gift
Shirt: Fashion Express
Wellies: Shoe Rama
Choker: Lovisa
Earrings: Gift
Sunglasses: Mr Price

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