24 Aug 2015

I am, so I wear

Hello beautiful beings!!!! 

This is such an impromptu blog post..I felt so drawn to post something a little personal....

I am a strong believer of influence over inspiration...What do I mean by that? Before I tell you what to wear, how to mix and match certain outfits, what beauty standard I approve of or applaud. I need to let you in on where my creativity comes from, where it all begins....

I believe that whatever is inside of one's heart and mind does reflect on the outside. Hence fashion and style are canvases and mediums of expression. Nonetheless my focus is less on the outside, I believe in dressing your spirit and soul before you put on few garments and accessories. 
How did I get there? Well I have always been an over-thinker and had so many opinions and philosophies/ethos I lived by. Much of it was that a woman was to mostly be intelligent before she is called beautiful. The "inside" always mattered more than the "outside"; however the issue with such is that your style may not be organic or showing who you are. Instead it would be way too processed or you would try so much to look like a certain character, get in with the trends or forever channelling someone you are not, just because you'd end up rationalizing something that is so fluid. 

In a society where what you look like counts more than who you are, I insist that we need to explore the parts of ourselves that might be invisible where all things get sourced from. 
Talking from experience (yes this is my truth, not the universal truth), I only started becoming more comfortable in my craft, got to know about my style, kept on moving forward with my dreams when I  became more spiritual. 

Spirituality works differently for different people, but I have only come to know who I am getting closer to God (which started in April this year). As He revealed to me who I am and who I was created to be, most things started to make sense. But most importantly I felt more and more beautiful  as I got to develop this relationship with Him(Song of Songs 6: 4-9, confirmed and sealed it and delivered it to my lil self). My confidence was no longer based on my reasoning of what trend I should follow, or what image or message I am trying to portray but mostly about simply believing and being confident that I am the most stylish when I am just me and have no care for what's trending.  

Placing my confidence in a trusted place, a strong foundation that is God has taken away most of the insecurities and inhibitions that I had. I felt like a Queen for the first time, despite what I have been through and I believed it. As I was set free, a became more comfortable with my past, my present and my future; who I am in entirety. 

Being dressed by faith, filled with love, gentleness and compassion and adorned by favor beats all beauty standards I have come across, the fashion industry's rules and outlasts all trends.

So dear you, dear me, remember to always rejoice in who you are, embrace all the weirdness and difference, it's what sets you apart! It's the ultimate sense of style and elegance.

The God that created you did not make a mistake...It's all supposed to be where it is, it's up to you to use it the best way you can just because you are a designer's single and limited edition honey!!

PS: I celebrate the women behind Project Tribe the movement..I love that they empower women and spread love,  positivism and truth all around..

Shirt-dress: Thrifted
Pants: Legit
Heels: Fashion Express
Vest/shawl: Cotton On

Love and Light 

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