19 Jun 2015

Grey matter

Grey matter

I have it, you have it, he has it
Yet, mine is supposedly less than his...society prescribes it
Yet I believe that we have it in equal amounts, it only comes down to how you use it

Why can't I wear floral and be heard without being vocal
No, I am not hormonal,
Far from that I am simply cultured, humbly learned and of substance
So excuse my lack of care or my refusal to nurse your intimidated face
An opinion is what I was taught to develop, not to boast or use it against others but to use my grey matter, so you were looking in the wrong place if you were looking for a minion

Education is just an opportunity, intelligence is my immunity to stupidity
So what determines my abilities is not dependent on my gender
Coz should it be all about that I would be the winner
I mean, us, women, we cook, clean, wear 6 inches and still get ripped open by 10 cm, bones broken but still manage pay bills, be vulnerable and open

So no I am not weak weak because my rationality comes with vulnerability
Nor will I face timidity and humility for you to seat comfortably

You say I should be part of the decor not the design
Oh, because how dare I be more than a corps, and think that I could be the core?
Well let me break it down to you, like He made me whole, fearfully and wonderfully made
So boxed, diminished and lowered is not what I will be made
But your perception, I will grant you that deception

I am not a candy, I am soul food, I am not just beauty I am brains
Your lack of vision still will not determine my position
She, I, we will be moguls coz we are far more than labeled no goals
That is the truth I will use against your lies, for the Word is bigger than the world and its words. 

Vest: Pick n' Pay Clothing (Basics)
Blouse: Cotton On
Skirt: Purchased online (Runway Sales)
Long Cardigan: Factorie
Heels: Utopia - Purchased online (Zando)
Clutch: Gift
Necklaces : Jay Jays

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