19 Jun 2015

Grey matter

Grey matter

I have it, you have it, he has it
Yet, mine is supposedly less than his...society prescribes it
Yet I believe that we have it in equal amounts, it only comes down to how you use it

Why can't I wear floral and be heard without being vocal
No, I am not hormonal,
Far from that I am simply cultured, humbly learned and of substance
So excuse my lack of care or my refusal to nurse your intimidated face
An opinion is what I was taught to develop, not to boast or use it against others but to use my grey matter, so you were looking in the wrong place if you were looking for a minion

Education is just an opportunity, intelligence is my immunity to stupidity
So what determines my abilities is not dependent on my gender
Coz should it be all about that I would be the winner
I mean, us, women, we cook, clean, wear 6 inches and still get ripped open by 10 cm, bones broken but still manage pay bills, be vulnerable and open

So no I am not weak weak because my rationality comes with vulnerability
Nor will I face timidity and humility for you to seat comfortably

You say I should be part of the decor not the design
Oh, because how dare I be more than a corps, and think that I could be the core?
Well let me break it down to you, like He made me whole, fearfully and wonderfully made
So boxed, diminished and lowered is not what I will be made
But your perception, I will grant you that deception

I am not a candy, I am soul food, I am not just beauty I am brains
Your lack of vision still will not determine my position
She, I, we will be moguls coz we are far more than labeled no goals
That is the truth I will use against your lies, for the Word is bigger than the world and its words. 

Vest: Pick n' Pay Clothing (Basics)
Blouse: Cotton On
Skirt: Purchased online (Runway Sales)
Long Cardigan: Factorie
Heels: Utopia - Purchased online (Zando)
Clutch: Gift
Necklaces : Jay Jays

6 Jun 2015

Knowtical: how to shop on a college student's budget

Hello there beautiful beings <3

So today's post is a nautical inspired look and the subject to be discussed is how to shop on a student's budget. 

Shopping is my guilty pleasure, my favorite thing to do....As much as I love it, it has led me into trouble but also the logistics of working around a student's budget imply that I will not be able to afford everything that I want, therefore that calls me to prioritize and do my best to be wise about it..

So a little story, when I started my second year of college (February) , I decided to take a little (it was less than 10%) of my tuition fees to shop. Granted my parents had already given me an allowance, which also catered for a little bit of shopping, I just wanted more. So I told myself, hey since I pay my fees myself (as in my parents do not send it to the school account, I deposit it instead) why not take just a little bit from the tuition fees and use it and I will pay it back later. However what happened was that I kept on pushing the payment, until it was September and I had to pay it or else I would have not gotten a spot at the student residence for the following year. So when I received the letter from my school, I could not call my parents for my dad is a no nonsense man and well he wouldn't have paid it lol (till this day he does not know anything about this). So I went to my aunt and asked her to pay for it, and at the end of the month I would pay her back. So since my birthday is in September I had to use my birthday money and some of my allowance to pay my aunt back. Since that day I promised myself to never, ever use money destined for something to shop. I had to learn how to use what I have or not just shop at all. 

I also had times when I would shop way over what I should have and for example eat ramen noodles for three days. Yet I could have spent wiser and still afford a healthier meal. There are times I also shopped more than I went out to explore and try out new places or afford to go out with my friends. So I got to a point where I asked myself what is the point of buying all these clothes, shoes and bags I have nowhere to wear to anyway? A little epiphany you say? Naah more of a reality check!!!!! Never starve for style chil'!!!

The beautiful thing with life is that you can learn from your mistakes, so what is the right way to go about this

Whatever amount you have per month (we are working on a monthly frequency or how to afford shopping every month), whether it is : your allowance, your salary/stipend, whatever disposable income or sum you have 

1) Take 30% of that total amount out and put it aside. Additionally take 10% of it and save it in a 32 days account or anything where it will require so much effort to get it. 

2) The 60% you are left with, before you buy any clothing item or shoes, first pay the bills if you have any and pay up the small loans if you have any. Paying the bills includes buying food and toiletries that you need (ain't nobody needs a stinky around them and once again, never ever starve for style it's just not fashionable or cute)!

3) Once all bills and the groceries are paid for, now you can go ahead and shop as you wish. Since you cannot buy "all things" that you need, make up a list. That list has to be organised according to priorities (basics, trend item, a bonus item). The first thing that we all need is a basic item from jeans to a white shirt, to a trench coat etc. Those I don't mind going all out on them because the better the quality of the basic item, the better and the longer it will last the less you have to buy. 

4) Thereafter you can buy any trend item, anything new that is trending for the moment. At the moment where you are making the choice, make a conscious one " needs grow". What does this mean needs grow? The media and the producer, using  advertisement, create certain needs in all of us, or you see someone wearing it and then hop you wanna get it too...I try all my best to first ask myself whether I really need it, or whether it flatters my body type, whether I even like it...Do not let any storm carry you along with it, the bandwagon effect is not IT believe me...So buy that trend item if it just makes you happy, or it's affordable so if it goes out of style you will not regret buying it and most importantly do not buy it because you are about to fit in, score cool points, look like so and so, or be better than so and so!!!!

5) Any bonus item is bought whenever you still have any money left. 

6) So you may wonder what do you do with the 30% you had put aside?  Well (according to me = does not have to hold as true or some kind of universal truth or rule of thumb) the 30% of your income is to be used to live! What do I mean by living? I want to be able to have some money left to enjoy a precious and priceless moment with my friends (i.e. dinner or lunch), I want to enjoy the place I am at by exploring sites, I want to be able to use some of my money for tithing, even if you are not religious it won't hurt to use some of your money to buy a meal for a homeless person or even something as small as buying some coffee for your friend, or anything that can benefit another human being.....

7) If there is something you really want and it is quite pricey, I suggest you save for it or instead of buying a basic item and a trend item, simply buy the wanted item (if your budget allows you to). Always remember that style has nothing to do with brands, neither do you become more fashionable by buying items at the most expensive places. 

Long sleeved tee: Pick n Pay Clothing (for those in SA, their quality of basic items is so good)
Jeans: A gift (Thank God for sisters)
Flats: Legit
Jacket: Traffic Live
Belt: Jet
Jewelry: Lovisa

Those were my two cents, thank you for reading and remember to rejoice in what you already have! Peace :)