20 Mar 2017

What to do when you are going through the toughest time of your life

As humans we go through different things, some more painful than others. Sometimes it hurts so much that we don’t know where to look or what to do. Problems can emanate from absolutely anywhere, it can be health wise, financial, physical, psychological or emotional. Whatever the case, pain is something we cannot escape in life. Personally, 2016 has been the hardest year of my life as my health was compromised. I found myself at the bottom of the pit and struggled to get out of it. Although physically I was healing faster than expected, emotionally and psychologically I had a dark cloud lurking on top of my head. Usually, I am a tough cookie but this time it was beyond me, beyond what I thought I could handle. But what is surprising is our God given strength, truly if something doesn’t kill you it makes you stronger. As long as there is breath in you, you are an overcomer. So what to do when it hurts the most?

  • ·     Hold onto God, the man upstairs is actually real, and although He may allow certain things to happen, the bad things don’t come from Him. So instead of wondering why it happened and why you, learn to walk with Him and let Him give you and be your strength. Get into the habit of calling upon Him whenever it hurts or when you are hopeless.
  • ·         Get back to praying, it gets you halfway to your recovery.
  • ·       Believe deep down in your heart that although it may be dark right now, you can get through this, Jesus came down to earth so that you may have life and have it in abundance. So believe that what is ahead is better. It’s gonna be a brighter day and joy comes in the morning.
  • ·         Take it one hour at a time. Celebrate the small victories, it’s hard to get out of bed when you are hurting. If you find yourself awake, breathe and believe that it will all go well for the next hours you will be awake.
  • ·       If you are a Christian, keep some scriptures close to your heart. Remind yourself that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Remind yourself that God is for you and loves you, that He will find you at your point of need and will never leave you nor forsake you.
  • ·        Do something nice for someone else, it helps to feel better about yourself. Even if all you would do is smile and say good morning to the security, you are changing the world with kindness and politeness. 
  • ·         Let music brighten your day.
  • ·       Just like Job, remember that there is double (awaiting) for every trouble you may have encountered.
  • ·         Watch out for bitterness, envy and comparison not to creep into your soul. Everyone has a load they are carrying. If yours seems heavy, surely it’s because you are tough; but it’s no better on the other side of town.
  • ·         Don’t give up on you! Keep fighting even when you can’t anymore, do it one more time.

Be encouraged, love and light!