27 Apr 2015

3D Heritage - Part 1

Hello beautiful beings!!!!

For those who follow and read my blogs regularly, I would like to apologize for being away for 6 weeks. It’s quite a long time, because soon enough people will not know that the blog ever existed. I had to take that time off, to really look into the reason why I am doing this (I mean aside of life getting in the way and all the assignments I have to hand in and tests I have to write). I really had to go back to the core essence of why I have a fashion blog…

In the process of finding an answer,  I came to the conclusion that numbers (amount of followers and views), clothes and shoes and bags…all of that is not what I should base my worth on and acquiring things or followers should not be the goal of doing this. I mean the more you have, the more you want...And am of the crazy belief that satisfaction should be found in the little I have and my success should not be in the visual..Success should be able to be happy, sleep 8 hours a night, be surrounded by people I love etc...Basically the point is that am doing the right thing for the right reasons and mostly because am passionate not because I can get something. 

Moreover there is a message am conveying in every word, picture and outfit that can transcend beyond that one picture. Although the essence of my blog is to show that being fashionable does not require one to be rich and famous…It is easy for a blogger or a woman to become that person who will spend all their money on items they do not need…I mean as much as one would try not to buy expensive things that will get you ruined, it is easy to get lost into buying many very affordable items that are unnecessary. Especially when you are a blogger, you can easily get into the trend of “I need to have it”, “I can’t wear it with another outfit, they have already seen it” ..there would be the beginning of buying all these things I may not need, there would be the beginning of me straying away from my belief and buying things I do not need and clearly for the wrong reasons.

Specifically to the outfit of today, I thought of buying new gold pumps I saw in Fashion Express. They were not beyond my reach but I wondered whether I really needed them, or if the outfit would be less creative should I wear shoes I already own. So I decided to wear what I have, and it will be perfect that way, because I would remain one with the essence and vision of my blog.I would not overspend on things I do not need for the sake of numbers, views etc….(Also..we need to really stop saying big words such as “need” for all those items we fancy, that cost a fortune and that we will purchase to wear once and just look at) I mean there should be something more after you have bought it and wore it once, there should be an answer for that “now what”?

You may wonder what has been the inspiration for this..Well the Bible and J Cole just blew my mind, gladly refer to (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1FqxcfnWi0) ….It was so refreshing to watch his video and hear his opinion on the world and particularly consumerism. I love fashion, like so many people who do, the dream may be to wear designer clothes, or shop till we drop..but the truth is acquiring more will not make you happy…Please do not get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with buying things you want, I just think that it is not necessary to kill yourself saving to buy a Rolex to impress some people (i.e. try and show who is boss, who is balling and fly) when yet you can buy a cheaper watch and still afford that dinner with your family or friends and create a beautiful memory. Plus both watch tell the time.I mean why buy things and miss out on a moment that will   make you truly happy or help you grow in some ways.

I think this calls me, us, the world to really ask ourselves why we are buying what we are buying, why are we wearing what we are wearing, does it make us miss out on the simple but yet priceless moments of life, is it necessary really??? 

PS: I know some of my critics said that my blog posts are quite long, given the length of my writing, but I am sorry to disappoint because am not about to change that aspect of the blog. Knowledge is power, so restricting myself to so many characters makes me feel like I have offered my readers a half baked cake and definitely not enough knowledge to use.Yet am all about doing things a 100% and recently I have learned about really staying true to thy self..so be ready to read some more peeps…

Bandeau: Factorie
Skirt: My own design
Faux Fur Vest: Fashion Express
Heels: Fashion Express
Neck Piece, Bangles and earrings: Gifts

Thank you so much for reading and be happy with the little you have, the more you buy or have does not make you better or more fashionable..hehehe it just makes you more broke